Air Ducts
Central air systems and air conditioners are efficient solutions for the ventilation and air conditioning of larger buildings. However, they pose large microbial contamination risks and can spread viruses and bacteria to individual rooms through their air ducts. In flu season, customers, employees and guests can all be inadvertently affected.
Air Conditioners
Humidifiers provide the right temperature especially in storage and refrigerating rooms and production facilities. Through water condensation and the collection of dirt, the inside of a humidifier can become a breeding ground for germs, which are spread through the fan. The result: food rots and people get sick.
Air Conditioning Systems
Air washers in central air conditioners are critical spots for air quality in central ventilation systems. If the air washers are not properly maintained, the result can be ideal conditions for the growth of microorganisms, which can be spread throughout individual rooms through the air ducts.